4月21日,法拉盛民主党社区领袖玛莎(Martha Flores-Vazquez)在纪念法轮功学员「四二五」和平上访25周年集会上讲话并接受退!党!中心记者采访。她对已经有4.29亿中国人抛弃中共感到惊喜。「这都是你们的努力成果!我第一次参加这样的游行:那么多观众也加入了游行队伍!」她说。「我一生中从来没有见过像你们一样坚强而勇敢的人!谢谢你们的坚持,谢谢你们的勇气!法轮大法好!」
And I was not surprised, but it was the first time that there was a real live bystander witness that brought to my attention that what you are telling me is the truth. So this is real. Let’s stop the persecution now.
Thank you. God bless you. I love you. And if anybody thinks that they can pick on you in my district, call the hotline 718 -909 -4634. I’m friends with government because I am the liaison between the community and government, so I have your back.
Congratulations. Thank you. I’ll see you next year with a big banner that says Malta Flores Vasquez district leader supports Falun Dafa because Falun Dafa is good.
祝賀你們,謝謝大家。我們明年再見面時,希望有一個大橫幅上寫著馬爾塔-弗洛雷斯-巴斯克斯(Malta Flores Vasquez)社區領導人支持法輪大法,因為法輪大法是好的。
Reporter: Ms. Martha, we truly appreciate your support. How many times have you participated in this event?
Martha: I come every single year. I believe I’ve been coming for the last 10 years or more. I mean, I’ve lost count. I just know that every single year I will show up to support you because it’s important for me, the community, and for you.
Reporter: Do you feel there are any differences between this year and the previous years?
Martha: The difference between this year and previous years is that we have more police protection, that sends a very strong message, and that there’s more of the audience joining the parade. So we are all a part of the mission.
Reporter: Why do you think it’s very important to speak out to the Falun Gong practitioners who are persecuted in China?
Martha: It’s important to spread the world and educate because that’s the only way to affect awareness.
Reporter: Is there anything you want to say to the Chinese people, especially the Falun Gong practitioners in China who are still being persecuted?
Martha: The Falun DaFa practitioners need to stay with their courage, their strength, and hope. The color yellow that they’re wearing gives them hope. That’s why I’m wearing yellow today. I support you and never give up because hope is the key secret to success.
Reporter: There are more than 400 million Chinese people quitting CCP, and more than 4 million international people signed the petition about the CCP campaign. What do you think about this?
Martha: I think that this is a victory. I congratulate all of those individuals that join against the persecution of Falun Dafa and the harvesting organs because it’s unethical and it’s time that we rise up to the occasion and make the change that that’s needed and that’s to end the persecution of Falun Dafa.
Reporter: Thank you. The last question is what do you think the international community can do more to bring the awareness about this event and to stop the persecution of Falun Gong in China?
Martha: I think that they should join us in our mission, sign petitions online, spread the world, educate the public, and together we will put an end to the persecution.
Reporter: Thank you, Martha. Thank you very much.