近日,纽约长岛布鲁克海文镇发布公告,褒奖全球.退:党!服务中心。这是退!党!中心近期获得纽约州议会第七选区州众议员杰瑞特‧甘道夫(Jarett C. Gandolfo)、纽约长岛纳苏县立法机构(Nassau County Legislature)全体成员、长岛苏福克县河头镇(Town of Riverhead)镇长阿吉亚尔(Yoette M. Aguiar)及镇委员会、长岛苏福克县第11区立法者弗洛特隆(Steven J. Flotteron)、纽约长岛苏福克县“艾斯利普镇”(Town of Islip)的褒奖之后的又一个褒奖。
Whereas:The Global Service Center for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP)was established in the United States in 2004.It coordinates the global movement to help Chinese people quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations,and helps educate people around the world as to the criminal nature of Communism;and
Whereas:Chinese people have lived through decades of mind control,brainwashing.and terror under the CCP.In Communist China,from childhood to middle school,high school,and university,a Chinese person may have joined and pledged allegiance to one or more of Chinese communist youth organizations,otherwise one may find oneself at risk of being excluded from the mainstream society.When they do they take this oath,it is not to China,but to the CCP and
Whereas:Quitting the CCP refers to separating oneself from the CCP by taking back the oaths one has made to the CCP throughout one’s life;and
Whereas:This movement has reached agrand milestone-415 million Chinese people have quit the CCP.It has been one of the most peaceful and important initiatives in human civilization.
Now,Therefore,J,Edward P.Romaine,Supervisor of the Town of Brookhaven and the members of the Town Council,on behalf of Brookhaven’s 500,000 residents do hereby take great pride on this 20th day of July 2023,in proclaiming today as
Global Service Center for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)Day in the
Town of Brookhaven
Edward P.Romaine,Supervisor of Town of Brookhaven
Jonathan Kornreich,Councilman District 1
Jane Bonner,Councilwoman District 2
Neil A.Manzella,Councilman District 3
Michael Loguercio,Councilman District 4
Neil Foley,Councilman District 5
Dan Panico,Councilman District 6